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If you have been referred to Marc or Michael, please note that they are not currently accepting new patients. You can book in with Graham if you require an initial appointment to begin treatment.
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Osteopathy is a manual form of therapy that emphasizes the relationship between the structure and function of the human body. This therapy follows a belief in the body’s ability to self-heal and self-regulate, which is why Manual Osteopathic Practitioners do not see themselves as healers, but instead as facilitators to health.
Osteopathy focuses on facilitating the health of joints and muscles through non-invasive manual therapy, helping to strengthen the framework of the body, and acts as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medicine.
Kinesiology is the assessment of human movement and performance and its rehabilitation and management to maintain, rehabilitate or enhance movement and performance. The following list, while not exhaustive, contains many of the well-established modalities and services that members are permitted to utilize in their practice:
• Electrical therapy techniques including:
o Therapeutic Ultrasound
o Pulsed High Frequency
o Low Intensity Laser Therapy
o Therapeutic application of heat and cold
• General nutritional counselling
• Fitness & Health Evaluations and Exercise prescription
• Athletic training, therapy and interventions
• Ergonomics
• Biomechanics
• Exercise Physiology
• Completion of insurance assessment forms (subject to form specific limitations)
• Manual osteopathic techniques/modalities
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